Care for the mentally disabled

The use of the CoWin™ media wall and the GRASP™ software platform within the intellectual disability care setting is yielding significant improvements: both in aggression regulation and relaxation methods.

The strength of CoWin™ and GRASP™ lies in the offerings that can be tailored to the individual needs of a facility's resident. In doing so, the care staff offers uniquely customized services. Think personalized apps, music, photos or games. Where CoWin™ and GRASP™ has been installed, we see great results (internationally), with fewer escalations and more calm on the ward.  

More questions about CoWin™ and GRASP™? Read our comprehensive F.A.Q.'s below or explore some of our case studies.

Medbo: Less aggression and less work pressure
Severinus, fewer incidents due to personalisation
NHS Lincolnshire installs 38 CoWin Play units
‘We can always make contact with patients, safely’
NHS Lincolnshire installs 38 CoWin Play units


Can residents with very limited cognitive abilities also use CoWin?

CoWin has applications that work more on an intuitive level than a cognitive level, so there are always enough offerings for everyone to relax or explore.

The levels and needs on the ward vary greatly, how do you deal with that?

Together with the care staff, we look at what a resident's individual needs are. During training, the staff learns how to create individual profiles so that the offer always matches the personal needs of the user.

Is CoWin™ a better solution than CoWin™ Play?

They are different solutions for different purposes. Each purpose has its best CoWin™ solution.

How strong is the CoWin™ media wall?

The CoWin™ de-escalation solution meets the highest security requirements for psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and the judiciary. The media wall is fitted with more or less indestructible armored glass that can withstand even being struck hard with a sledgehammer. This makes CoWin™ an extremely safe and reliable solution, particularly for acute and forensic psychiatry and the judiciary.

What does CoWin™ cost?

The CoWin™ de-escalation solution meets the highest security requirements for psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and the judiciary. The media wall is fitted with more or less indestructible armored glass that can withstand even being struck hard with a sledgehammer. This makes CoWin™ an extremely safe and reliable solution, particularly for acute and forensic psychiatry and the judiciary.