Discover CoWin

Welcome to the world of CoWin, a groundbreaking solution designed to enhance communication, autonomy, and care quality. Built on years of expertise in mental healthcare, CoWin is a multiple award-winning product featuring advanced technology, including a robust touchscreen, high-quality image and sound, and an integrated camera.

Unsere Produkte

CoWin Halo

Fokussierung auf die Deeskalation
Einsatz in Rückzugs- und Entspannungsräumen

CoWin Horizon

Schwerpunkt auf Prävention und Recovery
Verwendung in Schlafräumen und Entspannungsräumen

Satisfaction for Service Users

At the heart of CoWin’s success is its innovative Grasp software, meticulously developed in collaboration with leading healthcare professionals.

This advanced software solution integrates seamlessly into care environments, offering a comprehensive suite of communication, information, and educational tools designed to enhance the autonomy and well-being of service users.

Operational Efficiency for Staff

Grasp empowers care staff by enabling remote management and monitoring, fostering greater efficiency and responsiveness. Its user-centered approach, coupled with robust technological features, makes it a versatile platform capable of being tailored to diverse healthcare needs.

Grasp offers organizations the opportunity to customize the platform to promote dignity, engagement, and control for all users.

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