Sectors represent the environments where we identify our target audiences and outline, for each group, the specific benefits our products can deliver.
This approach focuses on tangible outcomes tailored to the unique needs of each audience, ensuring our solutions to provide clear and measurable value. By addressing these specific goals, we create meaningful business results that align with the priorities of our clients.
Omdat we al veel ervaring hadden met de CoWin-de-escalatieoplossing, was het voor ons niet moeilijk om de investering in de CoWin Play-oplossing te rechtvaardigen door deze te ondersteunen met gunstige praktijkervaringen en gegevens. Het is echt geweldig om over technologie te beschikken die ons werk daadwerkelijk makkelijker en leuker maakt.
„Wat we waarderen is de eenvoud van het systeem. Het is makkelijk te gebruiken. CoWin voorziet ook in een specifieke behoefte van patiënten. Als zorgteam kunnen we als tussentijdse maatregel iets bieden aan patiënten die veel energie hebben en het risico lopen om gewelddadig te worden.
De feedback van patiënten was erg positief over de onafhankelijkheids- en personalisatiemogelijkheden die de ultramoderne technologie van Recornect in hun bedruimten biedt. De werkrelatie en de nazorg zijn altijd positief geweest.
Sinds 2014 gebruiken we de COWIN-32 mediamuren van FA: Recornect. In deze tijd hebben we zeer goede ervaringen kunnen opdoen, vooral met betrekking tot de robuustheid van deze toestellen. De adviezen en trainingen zijn goed en vergelijkbaar met die van het verplegend personeel. Geweldig voor gebruik bij patiënten op de intensive care.
People in crisis often still need contact, autonomy, and control. CoWin effectively meets these needs in a powerful yet safe way.
We believe that this assumption is fundamentally flawed. It rests on the premise that we shouldn't reward someone who is psychotic and displaying very rebellious behaviour with an overly comfortable stay. On the contrary, there is often a need for safety, human contact and the possibility of being able to leave that space soon. CoWin meets this natural need which is why we see that everywhere CoWin has been implemented, the duration of forced containments has been significantly reduced, because users de-escalate faster.
Together with you, we determine which apps are available for staff and service users. Staff can use the manager in real time to control which apps are accessible to the service user.
CoWin meets the highest security requirements for mental healthcare and correctional facilities. The media wall is fitted with toughend security glass that can withstand even being struck hard with a sledgehammer. This makes CoWin an extremely safe and reliable solution.
We've created our solution in a way that makes it intuitive and user friendly. To help you implement it in your way of working, we provide a 2-hour training session.
CoWin meets the highest security requirements. That means that the hardware is fitted with a special sealant that makes the system impenetrable for moisture
Grasp is the software we developed especially to create a fruitful and safe working environment between the service user and staff.
Contact us to discover how we can meet your organization’s unique needs and provide the best solutions for effective crisis management.